Chop Chop Inc

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Chop Chop Inc. is a first-person game about deforestation. The goal of the game is to teach people how excessive logging is unacceptable. I developed this project with 8 other people, the programming was done by me and another developer. The project took 2 months to develop. Here are some notable features I implemented:

Dynamic Tree Cutting

In order to make this game fun, the player should be able to have more freedom in the way that trees are cut. I was tasked to develop an algorithm that is able to dynamically split the trees. I talk more about this algorithm here.

Multithreading the cutting algorithm with the Unity Job System

Some tree meshes have well over a few hundred vertices. Because of this, every time you cut a tree mesh, the player would experience a noticeable lag spike. In order to combat this, I was tasked with multithreading the cutting algorithm with the help of the Unity Job System.

Game Object Brush

When one of the artists was decorating the scene, they had to sometimes manually place small details like rocks or bushes. Manually doing this was quite tedious for them. I was then tasked to create a ‘Game Object brush’ brush to help them do this.